Dear Parents and Teens,
This week many of our teens return to school. Let’s pray for one another that God will give us courage and opportunity to identify with Christ before our peers this year. May God use our witness for their salvation and His glory! LOOKING AHEAD Wednesday, August 25th – ROOTED Open House @ the Steadmans’ 6:00-9:00pm Next Wednesday from 6:00-9:00pm our teens are invited to the Steadmans’ (8827 Vrain St, Westminster, CO 80031). Drop by for open fellowship and a time of prayer. Food will be provided. There will be no onsite services that evening at the church building. Wednesday, September 8th –Teen Meeting Begins at 6:45pm Due to the start of Growth Groups on Sep 8th, Teen Meeting will begin at 6:45pm for the remainder of the school year. Saturday, September 18th – Teen Activity We will have a teen activity on Saturday, Sep 18th. We discussed ideas last night in teen meeting. Details TBA. Saturday, November 13th – Dodge Ball Tournament 6:00-9:30pm Save the date! This teen outreach event is not merely a fellowship activity for our youth group. Our goal is for each team to have at least one unchurched teen. We will be passing out tournament flyers next month. Begin praying now about who you can invite to join your team! GROWTH GROUPS On September 8th we will kick off our Growth Groups for the 2021-2022 school year. Growth Groups provide an optional and unique opportunity for teens to help each other with devotional accountability. Growth Group participants commit to the following:
Each Growth Group is led by one of our adult sponsors. This year our groups will meet from 6:15-6:45pm each Wednesday just before Teen Meeting. Please note we have moved the start time back to 6:15pm. This is 15 minutes earlier than last year and will allow us to start our regular Teen Meeting at 6:45pm instead of 7:00pm. Here is our ROOTED schedule for Wednesday evenings this school year beginning Sep 8th.
Teens joining a Growth Group should sign a commitment sheet (access link here) and submit it in person or via email/text by Wed, Sep 1st. Members will receive their group assignment via email/text by Sep 7th. ROOTED in Christ, Pastor Nathan Steadman 816-510-4789 Colossians 2:6–7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
August 2021
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